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Hiring a House Cleaner

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If you have a tight time schedule, it can be an excellent option to hire a house cleaner. You might find it difficult to clean your home due to sudden changes in your work schedule. A professional can free you up to do other creative activities such as gardening. This will allow you to enjoy more family time. Your house should be clean and clutter-free to get the most out of your extra time.

Before you hire a house cleaner, here are some questions to ask

You have many options when hiring a cleaning service. Some are cheaper than others, but may not do a thorough cleaning job. You may also want to check whether they offer a guarantee for the service. You want to make sure that the housecleaning service you select backs their work with a warranty. If you have any complaints, it is important to ask the cleaning service what they do to address them. In many cases, vague responses can be a sign of something not quite right.

cleaning crews

Ask prospective cleaners if they have done a criminal background check. Background checks are usually $25. This allows you to be certain that they have not been convicted. Ask about any contracts because they can be expensive to terminate. If you have pets, make sure to introduce the cleaner to them before they come to clean your home. Ask for a guarantee to cover any cleaning that doesn't meet your expectations.

When you hire a house cleaner, make sure that you are protected

Before hiring a cleaning service, check that they are covered for workers' compensation as well as general liability. Reputable companies will gladly give you a certificate proving your coverage. If you do not have a policy, your insurance agent can provide advice. However, if you don't have any, you can simply leave the keys in a "safe" spot and hand them over to the housecleaner at the end of the job.

It is also important to keep your cleaning crew from spreading diseases. Avoid touching your face and be at least six feet away. Before the cleaner arrives and after you return from work, wash your hands. If the cleaner is bringing in lots of items from another house, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before entering the room. It will help you protect yourself and your cleaners from spreading the virus.

You should hire a housecleaner with a solid reputation

Ask for recommendations and review services to find reliable housecleaning companies. Even though no company is perfect there are still some positive reviews that can help to improve the service. A good cleaning company will give back to the community. You can get references from past clients to verify this. You can always find another cleaner if you aren't satisfied with the cleaning company's reputation.

deep cleaning of house service

Make sure to check the company's coverage. The company could make you liable for any damage done by employees if you aren’t covered by homeowner's insurance. It is important to ensure consistency in the work of your house cleaners. It is possible for a cleaning company to be unreliable if they have inconsistent staff. You can avoid unpleasant surprises by verifying the insurance.


What is better: a professional cleaning service or a DIY cleaner?

It all depends on how big your house is and what type of cleaning you are looking for.

For small homes, using a DIY cleaning solution is fine. However, if you're planning to clean a big house, you should probably hire a professional cleaning service.

How many people should i invite to clean my house?

A medium-sized house can usually be cleaned by two people. If you have a large house you may need to hire more than two people.

How often do I need to clean my home?

It all depends on how clean your home is. You may need to clean your home every week if you have a messy house. You can usually get away with just a few stains a month if there aren't many.

Keep in mind that guests and parties may require you to clean the house more often.

Which is the best way to clean your home?

This is the best way. Begin with the living space, then move to the kitchen, the bathroom, bedroom, and lastly the garage.

Are you allowed to clean before a cleaner arrives

Plan B is essential if you plan to clean your home before the cleaners arrive. You might find out that a cleaning service arrives and finds there's nothing they can do, if you don't have a plan B.

This is the best way to avoid it. This could include a list of rooms, furniture, floors, carpets, etc. You should also keep a list of tasks for each item.

It is also important to consider the time required to complete these tasks. You might, for example, choose to concentrate on the floor first. Next, focus on your walls.

Make sure you have a time estimate for each task and stick to the schedule. You could risk having cleaners leave halfway through the job.

We often don't give any direction to our cleaning service provider. We expect them to use their knowledge to determine where we should go.

This is why it is so important to make a detailed inventory of the areas, tasks, timelines, and other details. You can ensure that cleaners are properly equipped by creating a detailed plan.


  • House cleaners on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $21,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $36,000. (zippia.com)
  • You must see the house in question when estimating all private house cleaning jobs, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • Add 33 percent on top of your cost. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to begin a cleaning service from scratch

The first step is to determine your niche. This is what you should specialize in. It's important that you choose something that you love and is something that you're skilled at. If you're not sure where to begin, here are some questions to ask: Do I enjoy cleaning or something else? Is there anything I enjoy doing? Do you have any skills that would make you a great cleaner, or something I can do?

Once you have identified your niche, it is time to determine if there is demand for this service. There are many options for doing this. You can start by looking online. Google search for cleaning services near you and it will return results. You might also want to check the local newspapers or magazines. They often carry ads for house cleaners. Ask your friends and family to consider hiring you. Most people don’t know they can hire someone cleaning their homes.

Once you've determined whether there's a demand for your services, it's time decide how much per hour. Price increases will probably result in some clients being lost. If you charge too much, however, you will not get enough customers.

Next, decide what type of equipment you need. This includes mops. For everything you need, spend around $1,000.00

You will also need to put up shop. A place to store supplies such as vacuums, buckets and mops will be a must. You will also need furniture and lighting fixtures.

You'll also need a sign to put outside your door. Be sure to write "Cleaning Service Provided!" on your sign. Potential clients may also need to know the number to reach you by phone to make an appointment.


Hiring a House Cleaner